Micro Mosaics

Micro mosaics originated in 17th century Rome when the Vatican commissioned artisans to recreate deteriorating paintings using glass.

The craftsmen used different colors of glass, melted, and then pulled into thin rods/strings called filati. The filati are created in different shapes, such as flat, teardrop, curved, and more.

Once made, the filati is scored and cut into small pieces which will become the tesserae in the micro mosaic. These pieces often range from 1-5mm wide and are usually cut into pieces that are about 2-3mm tall.

The pieces are placed one by one into a bed of stucco or putty to create the final mosaic.

Today the creation of micro mosaics has become a dying and lost art form. Some aspects of how the antique mosiacs were made have been lost to time. Other aspects are still tightly guarded by the Vatican.

I learned the history and how to make micro mosaics at Mosiac Art School in Ravenna, Italy. They believe that in order to save this art form, the process must be taught and information shared.

The micro mosaics in my collection are created in sterling silver bezels and primarily use smalti glass imported from Murano, Italy.

The process of making the mosaics is very time consuming, however the end result is a one of a kind piece of art.  No two mosaics will ever be exactly alike, and each one is made individually.

If you are interested in purchasing one of my mosaics, please reach out to me to inquire about availability.